What is the International Collaborative Conference on Clinical Research (ICCR)?
The ICCR is a collaborative conference to enhance learning in important topics of clinical research. Everything at this conference is built on collaboration, from designing the sessions and collaborative talks to the presentation of posters and novel ideas in the Healthtech sector.
This conference was designed given the need to keep connecting the large network of the PPCR alumni to allow them to meet once a year to exchange ideas and keep the collaboration, the network, and the training strong and updated.
We have no doubt that this collaboration can help foster new discoveries in clinical research and, more importantly, make clinical research progress more equitable across the globe, helping to enhance knowledge in areas with fewer resources.

How is the International Collaborative Conference on Clinical Research (ICCR) designed?
In the ICCR, we expect that everyone will participate actively as to contribute to the generation and exchange of ideas. The learning sessions will be interactive, and participants are encouraged to bring their preliminary work to present in our virtual poster session presentation.
Besides participating in the live learning sessions with about 36 topics in clinical research. We divided the topics by specialties—for instance, clinical research topics in surgery, pediatrics, OB/GY, etc. In addition, we also encourage participants involved with a start-up in the Health sector to come and present their pitch in this global forum.
Furthermore, we prepared a practical program to help you analyze and publish your data as a pre-conference program. Finally, although it is designed to be offered fully virtual, we want also to have a live meeting (pandemic allowing) in an outdoor setting to enhance the connection between participants; we will have some networking activities. This meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida.

Why the International Collaborative Conference on Clinical Research (ICCR)?
Clinical research knowledge is essential to change clinical medicine, not only to generate new knowledge but also to improve clinical practice as to enhance the critical thinking of clinicians in this topic. This is the why of the PPCR project that Prof. Fregni started 14 years ago. Although the program is successful, it is critical that this learning becomes a long-life learning journey, and this is the idea with this annual conference in which about 38 clinical researchers involved with clinical research training created this annual global forum of clinical research.

Submit your abstract
Submit your abstract (preliminary data, full data including systematic review projects)

Start-up pitch
Present your healthtech idea (initial or advanced stage) as a 1-min pitch

Network - PPCR alumni
Network with a global group of clinical researchers in our networking activities

Learn how to analyze your data
Learn in our pre-conference course how to analyze your data (or open datasets) as to present in the conference

As to recognize the commitment and hard work of our participants presenting their work (posters and/or pitches), our faculty panel will award the best presentations in each category

Live and Online Networking
We will hold live and online networking activities so you can meet and connect with your colleagues from other countries. The live meeting (pandemic allowing) will be held in an outdoor space in Orlando, Florida.

International Faculty Team
International Scientific Leadership

Felipe Fregni, MD, PhD, MMSc, MPH, MEd
ICCR Conference Educational Chair

Alma Sanchez J, MD
I ICCR Conference Executive Director

Tanya Morosoli, Psy.D
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neuropsychology Panel

Tiago Lazzaretti Fernandes, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Orthopedics Panel

Tamara Jorquiera Johnson, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research for Medical Students Panel

Dr. Daniel San juan Orta, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neurology Panel

Timo Siepmann, PD Dr. med. habil.
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neurology Panel

Paula Munoz Venturelli, MD PhD.
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Mental Health Panel

Melissa Lee Fen Amrein, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Translational Research Panel

João Neves de Medeiros, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Ophthalmology Panel

Karen Hurtado Colorado, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Epidemiology Panel

Keiko Ueda, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pediatrics Panel

Jucileia Souza, Psy.D
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Psychology Panel

Tania Genel, MSc
Organizer of the ICCR in Clinical Research and Innovation Panel

Carolina Lins, PT, PhD.
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Physical Therapy Panel

Daniela Laranja Gomes Rodrigues, MD, MBA
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neurology Panel

Robson Amorim, MD, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neurosurgery Panel

Mouhand Mohamed, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Internal Medicine Panel

Maria Jose C. Carmona, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Anesthesiology Panel

Dr Salvatore Minnella, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Spine Medicine Panel

Alcindo Cerci Neto, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pulmonary Medicine Panel

Miguel Morita Fernandes da Silva, MD, MPH, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Cardiology Panel

Daniella Braz Parente, MD PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Radiology Panel

Luis Miguel Benitez, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research  in Interventional Cardiology Panel

Abdul Haseeb, B.Pharm, MSc, ASP-SIDP, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Infectious Disease Panel

Mohamed Hashim Mahmoud, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Family Medicine Panel

Walid Omer, MD, MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in ENT Panel

Juan Manuel Liñares, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research  in Neurosurgery Panel

Carlos Cordero, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Rehabilitation Panel

Danielle Sabina Wendling-Keim
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pediatrics Panel

Felipe Melo Cruz, MD, MPH, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Oncology Panel

Blanca Bazan Perkins, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Translational Research Panel

Maria Zunilda Nunez, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Diabetes Panel

Maria Cecilia Bortoletto, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Dermatology Panel

Wilson Fandino, MD, MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Anesthesiology Panel

Fathima Minisha, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Obstetrics Panel

Julia Minetto, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Surgery Panel

Denise S Schwartz
Organizer of the ICCRÂ in the Translational Research Panel

Julia Rodriguez, MD, MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Epidemiology Panel

Fabio Zaina, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Spine Medicine Panel

Felipe Coimbra, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Abdominal Surgery Panel

Wolnei Caumo
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Neurology Panel

Camila Motta Venchiarutti Moniz, MD, PhD.
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Oncology Panel
Natalia Jimenez, MD, Msc, PhDc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pharmacology Panel

Vanessa Romanelli Tavares, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Rare Diseases Panel

Antonio Macedo, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Hemato - Oncology Panel

Natascha Silva Sandy, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pediatrics Panel
John Polanco MD, MPHc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Surgery Panel

Dr. Khalid Mahmoud Fadlelmoula Ahmed (MBBS, MRCSEd, CABS, MSc, FHEA)
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Surgery Panel

Michele Menon Miyake, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research  in ENT Panel

Karla Loss, MD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Pediatric Cardiology Panel

Leonardo Petrus, MD, PhD
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Physical Therapy Panel

Arturo Tamayo, MD MSc
Organizer of the ICCR Clinical Research in Translational Medicine Panel
Our Collaborators
Committed to Excellence

Instituto of Medicina Fisica and Reabilitação da USP is a leading academic rehabilitation center in Latin America

Intituto Scala
Instituto Scala is a non-profit educational organization to promote education in medicine and public health in Brazil

TEC - Tecnologico de Monterrey
It has been a true honor to partner with TEC, and we are greatly appreciative of their longstanding support and commitment. They have been a huge part of what makes the International Collaborative Clinical Research (ICCR) Conference so successful.

PUCMMÂ has been a foundation of support in helping us put on a successful Online Conference. We have many PPCR alumni trained and working at PUCMM to enhance clinical research in the Dominican Republic since 2013.

PUCPR - Londrina Campus
Thank you to our collaborator, PUCPR - Londrina Campus, for their dedicated and committed support as PPCR Internaltional site. We are so fortunate to be able to work with them. They are a big reason for the growth and success of our Online Conference.

Javeriana University - Cali Campus
It has been a true honor to partner with Javeriana Univerrsity-Cali, and we are greatly appreciative of their longstanding support and commitment. They have been a huge part of what makes International Collaborative Clinical Research (ICCR) Conference so successful.

BRANCA - Brazilian Network for Research on Complications in Anesthesia.
It is an honor to have the support of the new research network BRANCA (Brazilian Network for Research on Complications in Anesthesia).

SAESP - São Paulo State Society of Anesthesiology
For half a century, SAESP has successfully accomplished its mission of promoting excellence in the practice of anesthesia and patient safety, providing continuing education, research, professional development, and improvement of working conditions.